Defenders of Israel Attempt to Silence Anti-Racist Educators in Philadelphia By Adam Sanchez A report on the series of events that have led to severe consequence and censorship in Philadelphia schools by the ADL and their allies.
Educators sound alarm over ADL presence in schools By Michael Arria December 27, 2024 The Drop the ADL from Schools campaign seeks to challenge the role the Anti-Defamation League plays in promoting anti-Palestinian racism in K-12 schools across the U.S.
Schools are No Place for the ADL By Marcy Winograd December 23, 2024 “Educators must consider the actual cost of a free program like “No Place for Hate,” whose sponsor conflates antisemitism with anti-Zionism, files civil rights complaints against schools and promotes Israel propaganda in the classroom. The answer to creating a positive school climate is not “out there”–in the hands of an organization with a distinct political agenda–but in here, in the school and in the school-to-community relationship.”
CA’s New Law: ADL Genocide Deniers to Train Teachers on Genocide by Marcy Winograd October 17, 2024 The ADL’s educational policy strategy is laid bare in this excellent analysis of California’s new law, SB 1277. They lobbied for a new body to have outsize influence on state curriculum, and then they put themselves on the body along with their pro-Israel allies. Antiracist educators around the country should watch out for this tactic and organize against cynical politicization of Holocaust and genocide education.
The Lede The A.D.L. of Asian America By E. Tammy Kim October 15, 2024 The article critiques the Asian American Foundation’s (TAAF) close ties to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), noting that the relationship has sparked controversy. Some Asian Pacific American groups argue that the ADL’s stance on Palestine, including its criticism of pro-Palestine activism, undermines TAAF’s credibility. They claim that TAAF, by aligning with the ADL, has failed to fully advocate for marginalized groups. Tensions within TAAF reflect broader concerns about balancing identity-based activism with broader civil rights commitments.
School Curriculum Supports the Genocide. Here’s How Teachers Can Push Back October 7, 2024 by Bill Bigelow The article highlights how U.S. school curricula often marginalize Palestinian perspectives. Teachers are resisting by including more critical lessons on Palestine, despite facing opposition. It also highlights the ADL’s role of censure and punishment to silence teachers.
Zionist organizations’ latest strategy to criminalize Palestine advocacy: weaponizing civil rights September 24, 2024 By Amira Jarmakani and Emmaia Gelman on the dangers of zionist organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League in weaponizing civil rights against Palestinian advocacy.
“Reject Definitions of Antisemitism that Encompass Protected Speech,” a February 6, 2024 Letter from Christopher Anders, Director, Democracy & Technology and Jenna Leventoff, Senior Policy Counsel of the American Civil Liberties Union to the US Department of Education. The letter argues that the IHRA working definition of antisemitism is a threat to free speech.
“Watered-Down “Anti-Racism Training” in Schools Is Perpetuating Racism,” by Andom Ghebreghiorgis & Emmaia Gelman. Truthout. August 29, 2020. Argues that the Anti-Defamation League’s emphasis on “hate” ignores the structural and institutional roots of racist violence.
“The ADL and the White House antisemitism strategy,” by Anna Baltzer, Laura Barrios, Emmaia Gelman, Heike Schotten, and US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (undated). This analysis argues that The White House has placed right-wing groups at the heart of a strategy intended to oppose racism.
“We Cannot Fight Anti-Semitism and Anti-Black Racism in Isolation,” by Lesley Williams. Truthout. November 1, 2018. Argues that the problem is white supremacy, whether expressed as anti-Semitism, anti-Black racism, Islamophobia or anti-Indigeneity.
“Attacks From Pro-Israel Groups Threaten California’s Ethnic Studies Curriculum.” By Gabi Kirk. Jewish Currents. May 7, 2020. Scholars say bad-faith complaints of antisemitism could thwart potential alliances between Jewish studies and ethnic studies.
“The Anti-Defamation League Is Not What It Seems,” by Emmaia Gelman. Boston Review. May 23, 2019. In this in-depth analysis, the author demonstrates how, under the guise of fighting hate speech, the ADL has a long history of wielding its moral authority to attack Arabs, Black people, and queer people.
“The World Upside-Down: Zionist Institutions, Civil Rights Talk, and the New Cold War on Ethnic Studies.” By Emmaia Gelman. CES, Volume 8, Issue 2 (Fall 2023). An in-depth and extensively footnoted argument that attacks on ethnic studies must be understood as efforts to break down antiracist movements that challenge militarism in the United States and elsewhere.
“ADL Faces Wikipedia Ban Over Reliability Concerns on Israel, Antisemitism” by JTA and Asaf Elia-Shalev. Haaretz. June 19, 2024. Reports that the ADL “no longer appears to adhere to a serious, mainstream and intellectually cogent definition of antisemitism,” according to an editor, whose request for a discussion about the ADL ultimately led to the ban.
“Why Schools Should Reject the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism,” by Nora Lester Murad. (Undated). A set of slides explaining the problems with the IHRA definition that can be edited and used for advocacy when schools or districts are being pressured to adopt the IHRA definition.
“How the ADL’s Israel Advocacy Undermines Its Civil Rights Work.” By Alex Kane and Jacob Hutt. Jewish Currents, Spring 2021. Interviews with eight former ADL employees found that CEO Jonathan Greenblatt has repeatedly chosen to support crackdowns on criticism of Israel over protecting civil liberties, putting him in conflict with his own civil rights office.
“The ADL Cannot Lead on Civil Rights.” Jewish Currents. By Joshua Leifer. November 27, 2019. At its annual conference, the organization’s Trump-aligned, right-wing Israel advocacy eclipsed its liberal agenda.
“The ADL’s Antisemitism Findings, Explained,” by Mari Cohen. Jewish Currents. April 4, 2023. The organization’s annual audit found a worrisome surge in incidents—but experts say some of its numbers lack context.
“The hate crimes framework, conservative power, & Jewish resistance,” by Emmaia Gelman. Medium. January 4, 2020. Argues that The Jewish left must stop using the conservative framework of “hate” to think about anti-Semitism and racism.
“Examining the ADL’s Antisemitism Audit,” by Shane Burley and Jonah ben Avraham. Jewish Currents. June 17, 2024. A line-by-line reassessment of the organization’s data illuminates the flaws in its methodology.
“Anti-Defamation League Maps Jewish Peace Rallies With Antisemitic Attacks,” by Micah Lee. The Intercept. November 11, 2023. Reports that the ADL calls American Jews who have mobilized several thousand to call for a ceasefire “hate groups.”
“The Anti-Defamation League is fueling war.” By Emmaia Gelman. Mondoweiss, October 18, 2023. Argues that the ADL is fueling war with its attacks on those trying to stop Israeli assaults on Palestinians, and its pernicious charge that “anti-Zionism is genocide.”
“New Details of Extensive ADL Spy Operation Emerge.” By Richard C. Paddock. Los Angeles Times. April 13, 1993. Transcripts reveal nearly 40 years of espionage by a man who infiltrated political groups.
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